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Fashion Designer, Illustrator, Breakdancer, Globetrotter and Jesus Follower.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Beautiful day out at the Ocean's beach yesterday in San Francisco.
I'm wearing a t-shirt that I painted for my lovely sister, a tribute to Michael Jackson. we are both crazy huge fans of Michael Jackson's. 
I am painting t-shirts by using fabric paints, nice to wear something that nobody else would have. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lodon, Barcelona, Rome, Pisa and France-Awesome Easter Break!

I was very lucky to be able to travel over the spring break, to countries that I have always dreamt of going, France, Italy, England, and Spain. It was only a short trip of 10 days but I surely made the most of it. Occasionally skipping sleep for a few days, but Fashion School has trained me to become very adapted of functioning without any sleep, coffee does the trick too.  It was such an awesome experience, I got to stay with some of my local friends and got to see their lifestyles and eating and hanging out with them. Got to see some of the most greatest museums in the world in Paris, Lourve and d'Orsay, saw amazing architectures designed by the famous architect, Gaudi. Felt very lucky and content also inspired. Would definitely go back to Europe again but I think I would like to take my time and take extra spending money next time. But my spontaneous unplanned Europe trip was still very worth it. Empty pocket but satisfied eyes, mind and stomach. I easily took more than thousands of pictures in 10 days, here are some of the highlights. 

 Arc de Triomf, in Barcelona. Where the adventure begins.
 Barcelona street at night. We tried to look for our friends apartment with a small tourist map. Ended up having to stop anyone we see on the street and ask for directions.
 Had a good night sleep, got up early and left the house to begin a 9am-6pm walk around Barcelona city.
 Sagrada Familia by Gaudi. It was amazing and breathtaking.
 Me posing with the Sagrada Familia

 Inside of the church.

 casa de Gaudi
 La Boqueria en Barcelona

 Random side streets in Barcelona
 Vintage market in Barcelona

 Rome the next day. Had no sleep and had a flight to catch at 5am, arrived in Rome at 7pm, was really tired but excited to see Rome. some Italian cops standing next to us at the St. Peters Easter Mass.
 We got to see the Pope.

 Got up early and went for a morning walk in Rome. It was really beautiful. St. Peter's square.

 Arrived at Pisa in the afternoon. Took the local train from Rome, here is the famous Pisa leaning tower.

 Notre Dame. Got back to London from Pisa at 3 am in the morning, went back to my friends house took a shower, and got ready, left to the station to take the EuroStar from London to Paris again.
 Inside of the Notre Dame church
 Treasures inside the Notre Dame

  Eiffel Tower in Paris
 Psyche and Cupid, inside the Lourve Museum
The Winged Victory of Samothrace
 The Turkish Bath
 Inside the Courtyard

 The d'Orsay museum
No photos were allowed inside the d'Orsay Museum, but I really wanted a photo of this painting, Olympia by Manet.
 Back in London the next day. This is inside the British Museums. I came to see mummies though I was kind of done with museums having to squeeze two of the greatest museums in one day, the Lourve and d'Orsay in Paris. But I kind of wanted to see mummies so I came anyways.

 The Big Ben in London
Ferris Wheel