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Fashion Designer, Illustrator, Breakdancer, Globetrotter and Jesus Follower.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

More Prophetic Paintings

2 more prophetic paintings that I have done this week:

 Ingrid and her daughter Alexa taking on a quest to conquer the big giant mountain.

I lived in Japan for a year and the culture was very disciplined and systematic. I see Jesus wants us to have the same kind of discipline in our day to day life, in our faith, and in everything that we do. It's through discipline that we receive success.


What a privilege to be able to have a vendor's booth at Southern Lights concert in SF. The crowd was awesome, great crowd and great vibe. What an awesome night, people were having so much fun trying on KAERB's stuff, thank you all for the support I am so happy thank you God, never could've made it without Jesus!

Custom Made Anime character Hiro Kun for Mark

My friend Mark's first T.I.A. Custom made apparel. He surely felt the love! Took me a whole week to draft patterns and sew the outfit but I enjoyed every part of it! Looking fly there Mark!

Sunday, May 11, 2014




Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Prophetic Painting

I started a new journey walking more intimately with God, and it's been really awesome. Been getting a lot of visions and I thought I should start painting them down. 

 Time portal in San Francisco, 5.5" x 7" 
Michael traveled through time and looked over San Francisco through an ancient cave. He is gathering God's people in San Francisco.

 Joining the Banquet, 5.5" x 7"
3 years ago God showed me a vision that I was eating dog food underneath a banquet table. He asked me why am I on the floor eating dog food when there is a seat in the banquet for me and plenty of food. 

 Taking a Walk in the Garden of Eden, 5.5" x 7"
I went for a walk in the Garden of Eden, I was able to walk on water and I saw a huge plesiosaurus swimming beneath my feet. 

Warrior for Jesus 5.5" x 7"
God showed me that He has equipped me with all the tools that I need to go on this quest for Him, he showed me a large mountain and I started running towards that mountain in full speed. We all have our callings and purpose in life, but it's our choice how bad we want it.